Your Standard League Rules

This is an Open Format league so, unlike Mixed Doubles where you must have one Male and one Female, you can have any combination of Male/Female on your team.

Spares: Given the league format, arranging for spares is extremely important and is the team’s responsibility. You are allowed to replace both members of the team with a spare and still be a "legal" team.

What is a Title League?

A Title League is likely very different than any curling league you've played before!

There is no points system, or round-robin followed by a traditional playoff in order to determine the League Champion. Instead, every week the Titles are put on the line and a "Title Holder" (aka Current Champion) is determined by who wins in the MAIN EVENT. Want to remain champion? Then you'd better make sure you fight off all challengers who look to take your title! Want to become champion? Then work your way up to the main event and take what is rightfully yours!

Of course, you're going to want to brag about being champion and we want to encourage that! After every week, we'll take a picture of the current champions, with their title belts, and post it on this website as well as in the curling lounge. It's strongly recommended to work on some poses in the mirror prior to gametime to ensure that you're in top form.

Former DV Doubles Champions, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin and Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, enjoying a drink in the curling lounge after winning the MAIN EVENT. (Note: Removal of shirt to celebrate is entirely optional.)
Team Names!

You’ve probably sensed from the league’s format and naming convention that things in this league are going to be a bit different. After wrestling (pun entirely intentional) with a few creative ideas, we have decided to dispense with conventional team naming based on the skip’s surname.

All we ask is that teams provide us with their team names at the beginning of the season if not earlier. You can have fun with this one!

How does scheduling work?

Since this format is so different, you're probably asking yourself "How do I make it to the main event?!". Let's break it down:

The League is broken into seasons (two per year) with each season being independent from each other. This means you can play both seasons (priority is given to returning teams for the second season of the year) or just pick the Fall or Winter season. At the start of each season teams are randomly seeded regardless of previous season results (because who doesn't like a good shakeup?)

Within each season we have multiple divisions, each which operate independently and will crown its own Champions. Each division is divided up into 5 or 6 events, depending on the number of teams. Each event is static, meaning the MAIN EVENT is always on Ice 3, the 4th event is always on Ice 5, etc. This means you always know exactly who you're eyeing to take down next week in your quest for the Title!

Wins and losses completely determine your journey in the league: Winning your event moves you closer to the MAIN EVENT, losing moves you farther away. To get really technical for a minute (and these can subtly change based on the number of teams participating), 4th, 5th, and 6th event winners move up 2 events, 2nd and 3rd event winners move up 1 event, and MAIN EVENT winners are crowned champion and remain in the MAIN EVENT for the following week. MAIN EVENT, 2nd, and 3rd event losers move down 2 events, 4th and 5th event losers move down 1 event, and 6th event losers remain stuck where they are.

FINALLY, since the league is entirely based on how well you perform week to week, the schedule is also created week to week.

Confused? Take a look at this graphics below which likely will explain it a lot better!

An example of a 6 Event Division
An example of a 5 Event Division
An example of a 4 Event Division
An example of a 3 Event Division