
The Boss / Head Booker / Commissioner

Betty Calic

Primary Contact for all things Doubles and Doublesmania

The Curling Director

Rob Matheson

Primary Contact for all things Dundas Valley

You may test that assumption at your convenience...for now, hit the broom.

Simon Ouellet, Curling Dictator and author of "Curling is not a Democracy"
Card image cap
End of Series 1 - Half Way Update Dec 2024

Hello Doubles League Members, 

 I would like to wish everyone a joyous, wonder-filled, holiday season. May 2025 bring all of you good health, happiness, and good curling! 

SERIES 1 and 2 – 2024-25 SEASON

 Congratulations! We have reached the mid-way point of the season, marking the end of Series 1. I hope that you have enjoyed the fellowship and competition. At this point of the season, we reshuffle the deck and start Series 2.  As in week 1 of Series 1, the schedule for week 1 of Series 2 [January 2, 3, and 7,8] will be randomly generated by the computer and posted before the beginning of Series 2.                                               Series 2 will conclude the week of March 25th.

 A big round of applause to the following teams that hold the most belt wins in their division:

Thunder: DV Rumble - 5 Belts

Challenger: Hot Rocks - 4 Belts

Slam: Korz/Scott - 4 Belts

Rumble: Tie - Jackson Squared & Scott/Hughes - 3 Belts each

Crush: Tie - Dickie/Morris & Eddy/Sawchenko - 4 Belts each

Takedown: Warriner/Au - 5 Belts

Piledriver: Matheson/Matheson - 7 Belts



The $25 games fee per player per team will be added to your January 2024 statement…all fees go toward prizes which this year will be for; the most Belt winners for the year, the Doublesmania IV Events winners, and runners-up.  Note that if you are playing in 2 leagues [hence 2 teams], you will be charged $50.

DOUBLESMANIA IV (Event that crowns Dundas Valley's Doubles Club Champion)

Stay tuned for more details in the coming weeks…each Division's teams are presumed to participate in Doublesmania, however, I will give a window for teams to advise me that they do not intend to participate in Doublesmania IV.  Those of you who play in more than one Division/team will need to choose which team member they will play in the Bonspiel with.

TENTATIVELY: Doublesmania will start the week of April 1st, and conclude on Sunday, April 6th (if you make it there). Depending on the number of entries - Everyone’s first game could be during your usual draw time i.e. Tuesday, April 1 [2:30 pm, 5:15 pm. 6:45 pm or 8:15 pm], Wednesday, April 2nd [2:30 pm], Thursday, April 3rd [2:30 pm], and Friday, April 4th [5 pm] All of the remaining games will be held on April 5, 6, and 7 [Friday evening, all day/evening Saturday and the morning/afternoon of Sunday]. Based on last year’s feedback the event will be a 4-event bonspiel with 1st event consolation.

Thank you again for your continued support.


Posted on 2024-12-20